I have good news for those who like chatting by using Yahoo! Messenger. We usually have more than one account (including Kang Rohman). In default, if we log in to Yahoo! Messenger on our computer, we cannot log in again with another account. If we try to log in with another account, automatically, the previously logged-in-account will be logged out, in other words, we can only log in with one account.
Is there a way to be able to log in with multi account within the same time? Well, actually there is the way to log in with multiple accounts in the same time. Want to know? Below are the steps (for Windows XP)
- Click Start on your computer
- Click Run…
- Write : regedit
- Click OK
- When window registry editor open, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- Open this: HKEY_CURRENT_USER ⇒ Software ⇒ Yahoo ⇒ Pager ⇒ Test.
- Right click at the folder Test ⇒ New ⇒ DWORD Value
- Rename the New Value #1 becomes : Plural
- Right click at Plural ⇒ Modify
Change Value Data becomes 1, Base choose at decimal. Click OK
Close your Window Registry editor
Now try to log in to your Yahoo! Messenger, and then try again with another account. You should have been able to log in to YM with multi accounts in the same time if succeed.
So, I've tried and my YM now is doubled, I can login more than 1 account now!

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