zsIRC is a freeware IRC client aimed at the Pocket PC platform. It's not meant to be a killer application or anything of that sort, it's just a little side-project because the current clients were lacking various necessary things.
zsIRC has the usual "/cmd" command syntax:
Sends a raw command to the IRC server.
/join [password]
/j [password]
Joins a channel
Opens a query window to a given user
Changes your nick
Uh... hard to describe, you should know it already.
/mode [channel] <...>
Same here. The typical /mode command /part [channel] [message]
Leaves a channel. if you don't specify a channel, it leaves the active one.
Useless data about a given user
Sends a simple message
zsIRC has the usual "/cmd" command syntax:
Sends a raw command to the IRC server.
/join [password]
/j [password]
Joins a channel
Opens a query window to a given user
Changes your nick
Uh... hard to describe, you should know it already.
/mode [channel] <...>
Same here. The typical /mode command /part [channel] [message]
Leaves a channel. if you don't specify a channel, it leaves the active one.
Useless data about a given user
Sends a simple message
Disclaimer: None of the files shared belongs to the blog owner. The blog owner just shares the files using the link uploaded by other resource(s). The blog owner does not responsible if anything happened to user's device(s)

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